Friday 2 September 2011

My First shot @ a Photo session

Who would have thought taking pictures would be hard work? I thought it was all about view and click but there is more to it than just that. Being privileged to study with a renowned photographer made me realize that. I had the opportunity to have a session with my fiancĂ©e (who happens to be into modelling) and her sister and also with some other models, it was a stressful experience but i must say, it was also a fun experience.

It was tough trying to construct poses in my head in order to direct the shoot but thank God for the kind of people i was working with that day (Chidinma, Ifeoma, Cynthia and Blessing). If not for the knowledge they have in constructing their poses, i don't know how I would have been able to deal with the whole situation; Directing, taking pictures and also making sure the make-up was right for the lighting.

These are some of the pictures I took at my first few tries at taking professional pictures.

May not be the best editing done by me but i can proudly say I tried. Its not easy doing this just after a few days of learning the art of photography.

Ever since that day, my confidence in the studio has increase and i can boldly tell a model or a client when they are not performing well or giving me what is required for a perfect or close to perfect shot. Let me use this opportunity to give you more information about my contact details;

Phemmy Green

If you like what you see then you can contact me because i can assure you that i am better than this *laughs* but am serious. Don't forget to leave your comments and views.

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